To reach as many potential customers as possible, sellers need a full address book. Thanks to wlw Connect, they can increase their chances of achieving this. The free-of-charge B2B service provides the relevant contact information of customers who would otherwise possibly be difficult to reach.

What is wlw Connect?
The first good contact makes for good business. But companies do not always have high-quality addresses at hand. The acquisition of new B2B partners is also often difficult without thorough research or helpful hints. Both of these challenges can be faced free of charge and in an elegant way thanks to wlw Connect. This digital platform from wlw records requests from buyers and forwards them to potential sellers. At the same time, the service offers much more. Sellers not only receive requests that match up to their product or service and are able to cultivate contact to relevant connections more easily – they also reach buyers who would not be so easy to find on their own. This works according to the following principle:
- Record request: registered buyers submit a request on wlw Connect.
- Identify sellers: based on this request, the service identifies potential, registered sellers and passes on the request to them.
- Make a selection: the buyer decides which sellers are most interesting to them.
- Establish connection: wlw Connect informs the selected sellers, who can then get in touch with the buyer.
What sellers should keep in mind: 3 tips for getting matching results
At the heart of wlw Connect are the accounts of the registered users. The more information they have and the more up to date they are, the more precisely the platform can bring together buyers and sellers. When sellers receive an order, they should respond as quickly as possible. After all, the faster you answer, the faster you are connected. Those who are faster than others are often able to gain the competitive edge.
When a request is received, the Connect service from wlw forwards it to potential sellers on the same day. If interest is piqued, the buyer contacts the seller directly and discusses the procedure and next steps. To ensure this takes place as smoothly as possible, sellers should keep the following tips in mind:
1. Optimise the hits rate
wlw Connect revolves around well-maintained user profiles. These should describe the range of services or products on offer in a way that is easy to understand, without going into too much detail. This makes it much easier to identify you as a seller and create a connection. To improve the system to your benefit, let the platform know if a request didn’t match up to your profile so well. In this case, you as a seller should reject it and give a reason why. In this way, wlw Connect can get to know you better.
2. Evaluate the offers
Orders from buyers are always categorised into two areas. The first area covers the standard information about the order, in other words the industry, kind of product and volume. Often, supplementary and more detailed information (e.g. images, product or construction data) is added. In the second area, the buyer can provide their requirements of the seller in more detail. This may be geographical requirements, in the event that the B2B partner is being searched for in the same region. Or refer to the type of seller and the size of the company. Both areas are important for being able to correctly weigh up the chances of a deal. In this way, promising orders can be separated from not-so-promising orders. After all, when you focus on the best orders, you save time and increase your chances of closing the deal.
3. Monitor emails
Once wlw Connect has found a match, the seller receives notification via email. Now they have access to the business’ details and can signal their interest. What’s more, all of the requests to date are saved in the customer profile and can be accessed in the dashboard under the tab “Connect requests for your company”
By the way: wlw Connect forwards the request to the buyer, and the buyer alone decides which of the identified sellers they want to contact. Therefore, it may be the case that an offer is not responded to.